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Future Projects: Project

Future Projects

Take a look at the projects IgnitedThinkers is working on to make our vision of making space education accessible to all a reality. Please contact IgnitedThinkers if you would like to collaborate or sponsor.

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Hands-On Learning for Students

Collaboration with Fairfax County Public Schools

IgnitedThinkers is working with Fairfax County Public Schools and more specifically the Career and Technical Education Department to provide kits to classrooms in the county to inspire students to discover their passions/interests in the aerospace industry. The kits align with state standards and encourage the students to gain the confidence to explore aerospace through a safe space to explore in classrooms with their peers.

IgnitedThinkers is planning on working with Teachers in Space to provide all students the opportunity to take part in investigative research that will go to space.

If interested in a similar program at an educational system or institute, please contact us for more information.

Global Space Contest

Safe Space to Explore and Innovate

IgnitedThinkers is planning a K-12 global competition with Janet Ivey, the Founder/CEO of Janet's Planet, and SEDS USA. The competition will enable students to form teams and explore the interdisciplinary sectors of the aerospace industry in an innovative manner.

If you would like to help donate or would like to support this specific project please contact us.


Air Force Research Laboratory: STEM

Collaborating with Air Force STEM Efforts

IgnitedThinkers is working with the STEM outreach department of the Air Force Research Laboratory to bring in a unique understanding of the aerospace industry and help ignite the passions of STEM in students.

Through virtual webinars series, in-person events, and interviews, IgnitedThinkers is planning on working with the AFRL STEM Outreach team to continue making a positive impact in the community.

Space in Africa

A Collaboration with SEDS Zimbabwe

IgnitedThinkers is collaborating with SEDS Zimbabwe to conduct a large, aerospace program for students in Zimbabwe in the 2025 summer. The programs' purpose is to ignite the students' minds in aerospace and provide them with the opportunity to learn about aerospace careers they could be a part of one day!

In many parts of Africa, space is inaccessible to learn about in schools or in the community. IgnitedThinkers hopes to inspire thousands of students in Zimbabwe and soon across Africa to uplift the diverse talents of the next generation of aerospace leaders.


Please contact IgnitedThinkers if you would like to help us in the above projects mentioned in any manner. If you have new ideas for us, please reach out! IgnitedThinkers is always open to new projects and supporters!

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